Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kröner
Department for Applied Mathematics
University of Freiburg
Hermann-Herder-Str. 10, Room 215
79104 Freiburg im Breisgau
Tel: 0761 / 203 5637
Office hours: on appointment
Curriculum vitae | Publications | Projects | Presentations, conferences, research stays
Research interests |
Working group's main research fields
| Representative lecturel | Proposed topics for
diploma or PhD theses
Education | Acadamic
positions | Awards | Editorial activities | Further
activities | Supervised Ph.D. theses and
born on February 10, 1951 in Lengerich
married, three children
Habilitation at the University of Bonn (January, 1986).
Granting of the doctorate by the University of Heidelberg
(January, 1982).
Diploma in Mathematics, University of Heidelberg (August,
Studies in Muenster and Heidelberg (1971-1977).
Military service (1969-1971).
Full professorship (C4) at the Department of Applied
Mathematics at the University of Freiburg since 1992.
Professorship (C3) at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and SFB
256 at the University of Bonn (1990–1992).
Scientific assistant at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and
SFB 123 at the University of Heidelberg in 1990.
Assigned chair (C3) at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and SFB
123 at the University of Heidelberg (1989–1990).
Assigned chair at the Institute of Applied Mathematics at the
University of Saarbrücken (1988–1989).
Scientific assistant at the Institute of Applied Mathematics at the
University of Heidelberg (1986–1988).
Scientific assistant at the Institute of Applied Mathematics at the
University of Bonn (1982–1986).
Scientific assistant at the Institute of Applied Mathematics at the
University of Bochum (1980-1982).
Scientific assistant at the Institute of Mathematics at the RWTH
Aachen (1977-1980).
Moreover, I had been offered two chairs, one at the University of
Kaiserslautern, one at the University of Paderborn. Both calls
I declined.
Bolzano Prize of the Charles University of Prague
- Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
- International Journal on Finite Volume Schemes
- Computational Technologies
- SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis (beendet)
University of Freiburg:
Member of the Senate (since Fall/Winter 2010).
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Managing director of the Institute of Mathematics
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics (1995-1997).
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
Speaker of the joint DFG–CNRS research group ”Micro-Macro
Modelling and Simulation of Liquid-Vapour Flows” (2005-2009).
Coordinator and speaker of the DFG – Graduate School
"Non-linear Differential Equations: Modelling, Theory, Numerics,
Visualization", Freiburg (1996–2004).
Research institutions:
Member of the Peer Review Board of the John von Neumann
Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (since 2009).
Vice speaker of the research association "Wissenschaftliches
Rechnen in Baden-Württemberg" (Scientific Computing in
Vice speaker of the steering committee of the High Performance
Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Stuttgart (since 2007).
Speaker of theScientific Board of the Weierstrass Institute of
Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin (2004-2007).
Member of the Scientific Board of the Weierstrass Institute of
Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin (1999-2007).
Conferences and congresses:
Member of the Scientific Board of the "International
Conference of Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications"
(Maryland 2008, Beijing 2010, Padua 2012).
Chair of several conferences on "Hyperbolic Systems",
"Discontinuous Galerkin Process", and "Phase transition" held at
the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.
Ph.D. theses:
M. Wierse (1994), T. Mackeben (1997), A. Koop (1998), B. Schupp
J. Becker (2000), Th. Gessner (2001), M. Ohlberger (2001), M.
Küther (2002),
S. Kermer (2002), A. Dedner (2003), M. Wesenberg (2003), J.
Jovanovic (2004),
D. Trescher (2005), Ch. Merkle (2006), D. Diehl (2007), R. Klöfkorn
Habilitations, and postdoctoral fellows who have been appointed
to professorship:
M. Rumpf, W. Dörfler, Ch. Rohde, M. Ohlberger, A. Dedner.
Journal papers | Conference
proceedings | Oberwolfach Reports |
Books | Preprints
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Chalons, C.; Kröner, D.; Thanh, M. D.: A robust
numerical method for approximating solutions of a model of
two-phase flows and its properties. Applied Mathematics
and Computation 219, No. 1 (15. Sept.), 320–344
- Kröner, D.; Thanh, M.D.: Numerical
treatment of nonconservative terms in resonant regime for fluid
flows in a nozzle with variable cross-section. Computers &
Fluids 66 (15. Aug.) 130–139 (2012).
- Thanh, M.D.; Kröner, D.; Nam, N. T.: Numerical
approximation for a Baer-Nunziato model of two-phase
flows. Appl. Num. Math. 61, No. 5, 702-721 (2011).
- Hermsdörfer, K.; Kraus, C.; Kröner, D.: Interface conditions for
limits of the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg model.
Interfaces Free Bound. 13, No. 2, 239-254 (2011).
- Jung, N.; Haasdonk, B.; Kröner, D.: Reduced Basis
Method for Quadratically Nonlinear Transport Equations.
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Math. 2, No. 4, 334–353 (2009).
- Dedner, A.; Klöfkorn, R.; Kröner, D.: Efficient higher
order methods for convection dominated problems on unstructured
grids and applications. In: Proceedings of the International
Conference “Computational Technologies and Mathematical Modelling
in Science, Engineering and Education, September 10-14, 2008,
Almaty, Kazakhstan. Joint issue of Computational Technologies 13
(2008) and Bulletin of Kazakh National University, Series:
Mathematics, Mechanics, Informatics. No. 3 (58), Part 1, 25-35
- Kröner, D.; LeFloch, P. G.; Thanh, M.D.: The minimum entropy
principle for compressible fluid flows in a nozzle with
discontinuous cross-section. ESAIM, Math. Model. Numer.
Anal. 42, No.3, 425-442 (2008).
- Bänsch, E.; Goncharova, O.; Koop, A.; Kröner, D.: Modelling
and numerical investigation of fluid structure interaction in the
problem with elastic surface. Preprint 2006.
- Besse, N.; Kröner, D.: Convergence of locally
divergence-free discontinuous Galerkin methods for the induction
equations of the 2D-MHD system. Math. Model. Numer. Anal.
39, No. 6, 1177-1202 (2005).
- Kröner, D.; Thanh, M. D.: Numerical solutions to
compressible flows in a nozzle with variable
cross-section. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 43, No. 2, 796-824
- Klassen, L.; Kröner, D.; Schott, Ph.: Finite volume
method on unstructured grids in 3D with applications to the
simulation of gravity waves. Meteorology and Atmospheric
Physics, 82, No.1-4, 259-270, (2003).
- Kröner, D.:
Numerics and simulations for convection-dominated
problems. Vychisl. Tekhnol. 8, Spec. Iss. 4, 59-71
- Dörfler, W.; Goncharova, O.; Kröner, D.:
Numerical studies for flows with free boundary and dynamic
contact angle. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 82, No.3 (2002),
Klöfkorn, R.; Kröner, D.; Ohlberger, M.: Local
adaptive methods for convection dominated problems.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 40, No.1-2,
79-91 (2002).
- Dedner, A.; Kemm, F.; Kröner, D.; Munz, C.-D.; Schnitzer, T.;
Wesenberg, M.: Hyperbolic
Divergence Cleaning for MHD Equations. Journal of
Computational Physics, Vol. 175, No.2, 645-673, (2002).
- Haasdonk, B.; Kröner, D.; Rohde, C.:
Convergence of a Staggered-Lax-Friedrichs-Scheme on
Unstructured Grids in 2D. Numer. Math. 88, No.3, 459-484
- Dedner, A.; Kröner, D.; Sofronov, I.L.; Wesenberg, M.: Transparent Boundary
Conditions for MHD Simulations in Stratified Atmospheres.
J. Comput. Phys. 171, No.2, 448-478 (2001).
- Kröner, D.; Ohlberger, M.:
A posteriori error estimates for upwind finite volume schemes
for nonlinear conservation laws in multi dimensions. Math.
Comput. 69, No.229, 25-39 (2000).
- Kröner, D.; Rokyta, M.; Wierse, M.: A Lax-Wendroff type
theorem for upwind finite volume schemes in 2-D. East-West J.
Numer. Math. 4, No.4, 279-292 (1996).
- Kröner, D.; Zajaczkowski, W. M.:
Measure-valued solutions of the Euler equations for ideal
compressible polytropic fluids. Math. Methods Appl. Sci.
19, No.3, 235-252 (1996).
- Kröner, D.; Noelle, S.; Rokyta, M.:
Convergence of higher order upwind finite volume schemes on
unstructured grids for scalar conservation laws in several space
dimensions. Numer. Math. 71, No.4, 527-560 (1995).
- Kröner, D.; Rokyta, M.: Convergence of upwind
finite volume schemes for scalar conservation laws in two
dimensions. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 31, No.2, 324-343
- Gilardi, G.; Kröner, D.:
The dam problem in unbounded domains. Ann. Mat. Pura
Appl., IV. Ser. 164, 321-364 (1993).
- Kröner, D.:
Absorbing boundary conditions for the linearized Euler
equations in 2-D. Math. Comput. 57, No.195, 153-167
- Kenmochi, N.; Kröner, D.; Kubo, M. Periodic
solutions to porous media equations of parabolicelliptic
type. J. Partial Differ. Equations 3, No.3, 63-77
Kröner, D.:
The flow of a fluid with a free boundary and dynamic contact
angle. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 67, No.5, T 304-T 306
- Kröner, D.: Asymptotische Entwicklungen für Strömungen von
Flüssigkeiten mit freiem Rand und dynamischem Kontaktwinkel.
(Asymptotic expansions for flows with free boundaries and dynamical
contact angle). Preprint, Sonderforschungsbereich 72,
Approximation und Optimierung, Univ. Bonn, 809. Bonn: Univ.,
Habil.-Schr. 105 S. (1986).
- Kröner, D. The regularity of the free boundary for a
non-steady filtration problem in the case of a compressible
flow. Boll. Unione Mat. Ital., VI. Ser., B 5, 881-906
- Kröner, D.: Asymptotic behaviour of the solution of the
non-steady dam problem for incompressible fluids.
Control Cybern. 14, 247-273 (1985).
- Kröner, D.; Rodriques, J.-F.: Global behaviour for bounded
solutions of a porous media equation of elliptic-parabolic
type. J. Math. Pures Appl., IX. Sr. 64, 105-120 (1985).
- Kröner, D.:
Regularität der Sickerlinie bei einem instationären
Grundwasserproblem (Regularity of the seepage line in a
nonstationary groundwaterproblem). Z. Angew. Math. Mech.
64, No.5, T 292-T 294 (1984).
- Kröner, D.
Parabolic regularization and behaviour of the free boundary for
unsaturated flow in a porous medium. J. Reine Angew. Math.
348, 180-196 (1984).
- Kröner, D.; Luckhaus, S.: Flow of oil
and water in a porous medium. J. Differ. Equations 55,
276-288 (1984).
- Kröner, D.:
Asymptotic expansions of the pressure and the free boundary for
flows through porous media.Manuscr. Math. 44, 131-153
Peer-reviewed conference
- Bastian, P.; Berninger, H.; Dedner, A.; Engwer, Chr.; Henning,
P.; Kornhuber, R.;Kröner, D.; Ohlberger, M.; Sander, O.; Schiffler,
G.; Shokina, N.; Smetana, K.: Adaptive
Modelling of Coupled Hydrological Processes with Application in
Water Management. In: Günther, M.; Bartel, A.; Brunk, M.;
Schöps, S.; Striebel, M. (Eds.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics
at ECMI 2010. Proceedings of the 16th European conference on
mathematics for industry, Wuppertal, Germany, July 26-30,
2010. Heidelberg : Springer (2012) = Mathematics in Industry
17, Part 6, 561-567 (2012).
- Kroener, D.; Mueller, T.: Related Problems for TV-Estimates
for Conservation Laws on Surfaces. In: Tatsien Li; Song Jiang
(eds.): Hyperbolic Problems. Theory, Numerics and Applications (=
Submitted to Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on
Hyperbolic Problems, June 15-19, 2010, Peking), Vol.2 , Beijing :
Higher Education Press, 584-592 (2012).
- Kroener, D.: Jump conditions across phase boundaries for
the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equation. In: Tatsien Li; Song
Jiang (eds.): Hyperbolic Problems. Theory, Numerics and
Applications (= Submitted to Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, June 15-19, 2010,
Peking), Vol.2 , Beijing : Higher Education Press, 494-501
- Brdar, S.; Dedner, A.; Klöfkorn, R.; Kränkel, M.; Kröner, D.:
Simulation of
geophysical problems with DUNE-FEM. In: Krause, E.;
Kröner, D.; Resch, M.; Shokina, N.; Shokin, Y. (eds.):
Computational Science and High Performance Computing IV, The 4th
Russian-German Advanced research Workshop, Freiburg, Germany,
October 12-16, 2009. = Notes Numer. Fluid Mech. Multidiscip.
Des. (NNFM), Vol. 115, Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 93–106
- Dedner, A.; Kröner, D.; Shokina, N.: Adaptive modelling
of two-dimensional shallow water flows with wetting and
drying. In: Krause, E.; Kröner, D.; Resch, M.; Shokina,
N.; Shokin, Y. (eds.): Computational Science and High Performance
Computing IV, The 4th Russian-German Advanced research Workshop,
Freiburg, Germany, October 12 to 16, 2009. = Notes on
Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary design (NNFM), Vol
115. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 1-15 (2011).
- Dedner, A.; Klöfkorn, R.; Kröner, D.: Higher order
adaptive and parallel simulations including dynamic load balancing
with the software package DUNE. In: Nagel, W.E.; Kröner;
D., Resch, M. (eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and
Engineering ’09. Transaction of the High Performance Computing
Center Stuutgart (HLRS). Heidelberg: Springer, 229-239 (2010).
- Nolte, M.; Kröner, D.: Computing the Effective Hamiltonian
for a Time-Dependent Hamiltonian. In: Tadmor, Eitan; Pugh,
Mary; Ryzhik, Lenya (eds.), Hyperbolic problems. Theory, numerics
and applications. Proceedings of the 12th international conference
on hyperbolic problems, June 9–13, 2008, Center for Scientific
Computation and Mathematical Modelling, University of Maryland,
College Park. Bd. 2: Contributed talks. =
Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 67, Part 2,
815–824 (2009).
- Klöfkorn, R.; Kröner, D.; Ohlberger, M.:
Parallel Adaptive Simulation of PEM Fuel Cells. In: W.
Jäger; Krebs, H.J., (eds.), Mathematics. Key Technology for the
Future. Joint Projects between Universities and Industry 2004 –
2007, Berlin: Springer, 235-252 (2008).
- Bänsch, E.; Goncharova, O.; Koop, A.; Kröner, D.: Mathematical
and Numerical Modelling of Fluid Flow in Elastic Tubes.
In: E. Krause; Shokin, Y.; Resch, M.; Shokina, N. (eds.),
Computational Science and High Performance Computing. The 3rd
Russian-German advanced research workshop, Novosibirsk, Russia,
July 23 to July 27, 2007. Berlin: Springer (2008) = Notes on
Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design (NNFM) 101,
102-121 (2008).
- Klöfkorn, R.; Kröner, D.; Ohlberger, M.: Parallel and
Adaptive Simulation of Fuel Cells in 3D. In: E. Krause;
Shokin, Y.; Resch, M.; Shokina, N. (eds.), Computational Science
and High Performance Computing. The 3rd Russian-German advanced
research workshop, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 23 to July 27, 2007.
Berlin: Springer (2008) = Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and
Multidisciplinary Design (NNFM) 101, 69-81 (2008).
- Kröner, D.; Thanh, M.D.: On the model of compressible flows
in a nozzle mathematical analysis and numerical methods. In:
Asakura, F.; H. Aiso, H.; Kawashima, S.; Matsumura, A.; Nishibata,
S.; Nishihara, K. (eds.), Hyperbolic problems. Theory, numerics and
applications. II. Proceedings of the 10th international conference,
Osaka, Japan, September 13–17, 2004. Yokohama: Yokohama Publishers,
117-124 (2006).
- Nolte, M.; Kröner, D.: Convergence of well-balanced schemes
for the initial boundary value problem for scalar conservation laws
in 1D. In: Benzoni-Gavage, S. (ed.); Serre, D. (ed.),
Hyperbolic problems. Theory, numerics and applications.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hyperbolic
Problems held in Ecole Normale Suprieure, Lyon, France, July
17–21, 2006. Berlin: Springer, 791-798 (2008).
- Kröner, D.:
Numerics and simulations for convection dominated
problems. In: Krause, E. (ed.); Shokin, Y, (ed.); Resch,
M. (ed.); Shokina, N. (ed.), Computational science and high
performance computing. Russian-German advanced research workshop,
Novosibirsk, Russia, September 30 to October 2, 2003. Berlin:
Springer (2005) = Notes Numer. Fluid Mech. (NNFM) 88, 367-380
- Dedner, A.; Kröner, D.; Rohde, C.; Wesenberg, M.: Radiation
Magnetohydrodynamics: Analysis for Model Problems and Efficient
3d-Simulations for the Full System. In: Warnecke, G.
(ed.), Analysis and Numerics for Conservation Laws. Berlin:
Springer, 163-202 (2005).
- Klassen, L.; Klimmeck, A.; Kröner, D.; Trescher, D.:
Numerical optimisation of scavenging in two-stroke engines with
transfer ducts, an exhaust port and moving piston. In: Jäger,
W.; Krebs, H.-J. (eds.),
Mathematics. Key Technology for the Future. Joint Projects between
Universities and Industry. Berlin (u.a.) : Springer, 22-32,
- Dedner, A.; Kröner, D.; Rohde, C.; Schnitzer, T.; Wesenberg,
M.: Comparison of Finite Volume and Discontinuous Galerkin
Methods of Higher Order for Systems of Conservation Laws in
Multiple Space Dimensions. In: Hildebrandt, S. (ed.); Karcher,
H. (ed.),
Geometric analysis and nonlinear partial differential
equations. Berlin : Springer, 573-589 (2003).
- Dedner, A.; Kröner, D.; Rohde, C.; Wesenberg, M.: Efficient
divergence cleaning in threedimensional MHD simulations. In:
Krause, E. (ed.); Jäger, W. (ed.), High perfomance
computing in science and engineering ’02. Transactions of the
High Perfomance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2002. 5th results
and review workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and
Engineering, Stuttgart, Germany, September 30 - October 1, 2002.
Berlin : Springer, 323-334 (2003).
- Kröner, D.; Küther, M.; Ohlberger, M.; Rohde, C.: A
posteriori error estimates and adaptive methods for hyperbolic and
convection dominated parabolic conservation laws. In:
Kirkilionis, M.; Krömker, S.; Rannacher, R.; Tomi, F.
(eds.): Trends
in Nonlinear Analysis. Berlin (u.a.) : Springer, 289 - 306
- Gessner, T.; Kröner, D.: Godunov Type Methods on
Unstructured Grids and Local Mesh Refinement. In: Toro, E.F.
Godunov methods, theory and applications. (Proceedings of an
International Conference on Godunov Methods: theory and
applications, held October 18 - 22, 1999, in Oxford, UK.). New York
(u.a.) : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publ., 527-48. (2001).
- Dedner, A.; Kröner, D.; Sofronov I.L.; Wesenberg, M.:
Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Astrophysical MHD
Simulations. In: Toro, E.F. (ed.),
Godunov methods, theory and applications. (Proceedings of an
International Conference on Godunov Methods: theory and
applications, held October 18 - 22, 1999, in Oxford, UK.). New York
(u.a.) : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publ., 217-224. (2001).
- Dedner, A.; Kröner, D.; Rohde, C.; Wesenberg, M.:
Godunov-type schemes for the MHD equations. In: Toro, E.F.
Godunov methods, theory and applications. (Proceedings of an
International Conference on Godunov Methods: theory and
applications, held October 18 - 22, 1999, in Oxford, UK.). New York
(u.a.) : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publ., 209-216. (2001).
- Dedner, A., Kröner, D., Rohde, C., Wesenberg, M.: MHD
Instabilities Arising in Solar Physics: A Numerical Approach.
In: Freistühler, H. (ed.); Warncke, G. (ed.), Hyperbolic problems.
Theory, numerics, applications. (Eighth International Conference on
Hyperbolic Problems - Theory, Numerics, Applications in Magdeburg,
Germany, February/March 2000). Basel (u.a.) : Birkhäuser, 277-286
- Wierse, M.; Kröner, D.; Müller, A.; Schupp, B.; Schwörer, R.:
Simulation of a 3-D piston driven flow. In: Friedrich, R.
(ed.); Bontoux, P. (ed.), Computation and visualization of
three-dimensional vortical and turbulent flows. Proceedings of the
5th CNRS-DFG workshop on Numerical flow simulation, München,
Germany, December 6-7, 1996. Wiesbaden: Vieweg (1998) =
Notes Numer. Fluid Mech. 64, 333-349 (1998).
- Kröner, D.: Finite volume schemes in multidimensions.
In: Griffiths, D. F. (ed.); Higham, D. J. (ed.); Watson, G.A.
(ed.), Numerical analysis 1997. Proceedings of the 17th Dundee
biennial conference, University of Dundee, Great Britain, June
24–27, 1997. Harlow: Longman, Scientific & Techn. (1998) =
Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser. 380, 179-192 (1998).
- Kröner, D.; Koop, A.; Schupp, B.; Müller, S.; Schmitz, S.;
Schroeter, B.: Deformation of an elastic cylindrical tube.
(Deformation einer elastischen Flexlippe.) In: Hoffmann, K.-H.
(ed.); Jäger, W. (ed.); Lohmann, T. (ed.); Schunck, H. (ed.),
Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft. Verbundprojekte zwischen
Universität und Industrie. Berlin u.a. : Springer. 177-189
- Wierse, M.; Kröner, D.: Higher order upwind schemes on
unstructured grids for the nonstationary compressible Navier-Stokes
equations in complex time-dependent geometries in 3D. In:
Hirschel, E.-H. (ed.), Flow simulation with high-performance
computers II. DFG priority research programme results 1993 - 1995.
Wiesbaden: Vieweg (1996) = Notes Numer. Fluid Mech. 52, 369-384
- Kröner, D.: Finite volume methods in fluid mechanics.
In: Galdi, G. P. (ed.); Málek, J. (ed.); Nečas, J. (ed.), Progress
in theoretical and computational fluid mechanics. 3rd Winter
School, Paseky, Czech Republic, December 12-18, 1993. Harlow,
Essex: Longman Scientific & Technical (1994) = Pitman Res. Notes
Math. Ser. 308, 73-127 (1994).
- Beinert, R.; Kröner, D.: Finite volume methods with local
mesh alignment in 2-D. In: Hackbusch, W. (ed.); Wittum, G.
(ed.), Adaptive Methods - Algorithms, Theory and Applications.
Proceedings of the 9th GAMM-Seminar Kiel, Germany, January 22-24,
1993. Braunschweig: Vieweg (1994) = Notes Numer. Fluid Mech. (NNFM)
46, 38-53 (1994).
- Kröner, D.: Finite volume methods for conservation
laws. In: Feng, K. (ed.); Shi, Zhong-Ci (ed.), The
computation of differential equations and dynamical systems.
Proceedings of the international conference held at Beijing, P. R.
China, September 1–5, 1992. Singapore: World Scientific (1993) =
Ser. Appl. Math. 4, 11-25 (1993).
- Kröner, D.: Boundary conditions for the numerical
simulation of the initial value problem for the Euler equations on
a finite domain. In: Engquist, B. (ed.): Third International
Conference on Hyperbolic Problems. Theory, numerical methods and
applications. Poceedings. Uppsala, Sweden, June 11-15, 1990, Vol.
II, 684-697 (1991).
- Kröner, D.: Asymptotic expansions
for a flow with a dynamic contact angle. In: Heywood, J.
G. (ed.), The Navier-Stokes equations theory and numerical methods.
Proceedings of a conference held at Oberwolfach, FRG, Sept. 18-24,
1988. Berlin [u. a.] : Springer (1990) = Lecture notes in
mathematics 1431, 49-59 (1990).
- Kröner, D.: Numerical schemes for the Euler equations in two
space dimensions without dimensional splitting. In: Ballmann, J.
(ed.): Nonlinear hyperbolic equations theory, computation methods,
and applications. Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems, Aachen, FRG, March 14
to 18, 1988 =
Notes Numer. Fluid Mech. (NNFM) 24, 342-452 (1989).
- Kröner, D.: Directionally adapted upwind schemes in 2-D for
the Euler equations. In: Hirschel, E. H. (ed.), Finite
approximations in fluid mechanics. DFG priority program results
1986-88. Vol. II. Braunschweig u.a. : Vieweg (1989) = Notes
on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary design (NNFM)
25, 249-263 (1989).
- Kröner, D.: Global behaviour of the solution to the
nonsteady filtration problem. In: Bossavit, A. (ed.), Free
boundary problems in fluid flow with applications. Proceedings of
the International Colloquium 'Free Boundary Problems: Theory and
Applications' in Maubuisson/France 1984, Vol. III. Boston : Pitman
(1985) = Res. Notes Math. 120, 272-286 (1985).
Oberwolfach Reports
- Dafermos, C. M.; Kröner, D.; Leveque, R. J.: Hyperbolic Conservation
Laws. In: Abstracts from the Workshop held December
7th–December 13th, 2008. Oberwolfach Rep. 5, No. 4, 3139-3200
- Colombo, R. M.; Kröner, D.; Lefloch,P. G.: Mini-workshop
Hyperbolic Aspects of Phase Transition Dynamics. In:
Abstracts from the Mini-Workshop held February 24–March 1, 2008.
Oberwolfach Rep. 5, No. 1, 513-556 (2008).
- Dafermos, C. M.; Kröner, D.; Leveque, R. J.: Hyperbolic Conservation
Laws. In: Abstracts from the Workshop held December
7th–December 13th, 2008. Oberwolfach Rep. 1, No. 2, 915–962
Books (author or editor)
Krause, E.; Kröner, D.;
Resch, M.; Shokina, N.; Shokin, Y. (eds.): Computational Science
and High Performance Computing IV, The 4th Russian-German Advanced
research Workshop, Freiburg, Germany, October 12 to 16, 2009. Notes
on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary design (NNFM),
Vol 115. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer 2011. (contents)
- Nagel, W. E. (ed.); Kröner, D. B. (ed.);
Resch, M. M. (ed.): High Performance Computing in Science and
Engineering '10. Transactions of the High Performance Computing
Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2010. Berlin : Springer 2010.
- download)
- Nagel, W. E. (ed.); Kröner, D. B. (ed.); Resch, M. M. (ed.):
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’09.
Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart
(HLRS) (2009). Berlin u.a. : Springer 2010. (contents)
- Nagel, W. E. (ed.); Kröner, D. B. (ed.); Resch, M. M. (ed.):
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’08.
Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart
(HLRS) 2008. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer 2009.
- Nagel, W. E. (ed.); Kröner, D. B. (ed.); Resch, M. M. (ed.):
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’07.
Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart
(HLRS) (2007). Papers presented at 10th Results and Review
workshop, Stuttgart, Germany, October 4–5, 2007. Berlin, Heidelberg
: Springer 2009. (contents)
- Herbin, D. (ed.); Kröner, D. (ed.): Finite Volumes for Complex
Applications III. Problems and Perspectives. Paris : Hermes Science
Publ. 2002. (contents of
the reprint - download)
- Kröner, D. (ed.); Ohlberger, M. (ed.); Rohde, C. (ed.): An
Introduction to Recent Developments in Theory and Numerics for
Conservation Laws. Proceedings of the International School,
Freiburg/ Littenweiler, Germany, October 20–24, 1997. Lecture Notes
in Computational Science and Engineering, 5. Berlin, Heidelberg
(u.a.) : Springer 1999. (contents -
- Kröner, D.: Numerical schemes for conservation laws.
Wiley-Teubner Series Advances in Numerical Mathematics. Chichester
u.a. : Wiley-Teubner 1997. (contents -
- Borchers, W. (ed.); Domick, G. (ed.); Kröner, D. (ed.);
Rautmann, R. (ed.); Saupe, D. (ed.): Visualization Methods in High
Performance Computing and Flow Simulation. Proceedings of the
International Workshop on Visualization, Paderborn, Germany, 18–21
January 1994. Utrecht : VSP, Vilnius : TEV 1996.
- Dziuk, G.; Kröner, D.; Müller, T.: Scalar
conservation laws on moving hypersurfaces, Preprint,
Freiburg 2012.
DFG Schwerpunktprogramm "MetStroem" (SPP
Project: "Skalenuebergreifende Modellierung in der
Stroemungsmechanik und Meteorologie”
Term: since 2007 for a period of 24 months + additional
funding for 24 months (Az: De 1509/1-1; Az: De 1509/1-2)
(in co-operation with A. Dedner)
Co-workers: Slavko Brdar; Nina Shokina
Laufzeit: since 2011 for a period of 24 months (GZ: KR
Co-worker: Slavko Brdar
BMBF Verbundprojekt "AdaptHydroMod: Adaptive
Modellierung gekoppelter hydrologischer Prozesse mit Anwendungen in
der Wasserwirtschaft"
Sub-project: ”Adaptive Modellierung von
Oberflaechengewaessern” (AZ: 03DEPAF3) (gemeinsam mit A.
Term: since July 1 2007 for a period of 36 months;
Co-worker: Nina Shokina
BMBF/BMWi Verbundprojekt "Weiterentwicklung der
Rechenprogramme d3f und r3f. Entwicklung Effizienter
Diskretisierungsverfahren für die zu entwickelnden numerischen
Verfahren zur Datenanalyse"
(Az: 02E10306)
Term: since October 1 2006 of 36 months; completed.
Co-worker: Mirko Kränkel
Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderprogramm "High Performance
Project: ”Simulation des Spuelvorgangs eines Zweitaktmotors
unter Beruecksichtigung detaillierter chemischer
Verbrennungsprozesse” (in co-operation with D. Lebiedz)
Term: since 2009 for a period of 36 months, until Dec 31
Co-worker: Robert Klöfkorn; currently: Tobias Malkmus
DFG-SFB Transregio 71 Geometric Partial Differential
Equations (Sonderforschungsbereich)
Project: "C.1 Dynamics on and of surfaces" (in co-operation
with G. Dziuk)
Term: since 2009
Co-worker: Thomas Müller
DFG-SFB Transregio 71 Geometric Partial Differential
Equations (Sonderforschungsbereich)
Project: "C.2 Fluid structure interaction" (in co-operation
with M. Růžička)
Term: since 2009
Co-worker: Ioannis Toulopoulos
DFG Einzelprojekt ”Compressible phasefield models for
phase transition”
Term: since 2009 for a period of 36 months
Co-worker: Mirko Kränkel
Presentations, conference
contributions, research stays
- Summer school Bangalore 7/2005
- Research stay at the Mittag-Leffler-Institut, Schweden
- Hyperbolic Systems Lyon 7/2006
- Summer school Cargese 8/2006
- Workshop Heraklion 9/2006
- Workshop Banff, Canada 10/2006
- Presentation Banja Luka 12/2006
- Research stay in Prag 3/2007
- Presentation Aachen 5/2007
- Conference Vancouver 8/2007
- ENUMATH Graz 9/2007
- Conference Hangzhou, China 10/2007
- Presentation Karlsruhe 12/2007
Workshop Straßburg
- Miniworkshop Oberwolfach 2/2008
- Conference Calais 3/2008
- Conference St. Petersburg 5/2008
- Hyperbolic Systems in Maryland 6/2008
- Heidelberg 7/2008
- Conference Almati 9/2008
- Conference Novosibirsk 10/2008
- Berlin 10/2008
- Presentation Bayreuth 11/2008
- Conference Oberwolfach 12/2008
- Workshop Aachen 2/2009
- Workshop Stuttgart 2/2009
- Presentation Stuttgart 2/2009
DFG-CNRS Workshop
Freiburg 3/2009
- DMV 9/2009
- Conference Heidelberg 10/2009
- German-Russian Workshop Freiburg 10/2009
- Berlin 10/2009
- Frankfurt 10/2009
- Paris 11/2009
- Prag 12/2009
- Jülich 2/2010
- Straßburg 4/2010
- Leipzig 4/2010
- Hefei (China) 6/2010
- Hyperbolic Systems Conference Peking 6/2010
- St. Petersburg 9/2010
- Prag 10/2010
Main research
- Numerics for partial differential equations, particularly
coonservation equations
- Numerical fluid mechanics
- Free boundary value problems
- Scientific computing
for Diploma theses
Entwicklung eines effizienten Verfahrens zur Lösung
hyperbolischer Differentialgleichungen
Erweiterung eines Programms für reaktive Stroemungen um
Lokale Existenz für ein System von Gleichungen zur
Beschreibung von Elektrolyt-Polymer-Gele
for PhD theses