Summer School Curvature & Applications, Chiemsee, 31.8. - 5.9.2025


Aim of the School

The school aims at introducing students to modern topics in geometric partial differential equations and their application to mechanics


Sören Bartels (Freiburg) Elena Mäder-Baumdicker (TU Darmstadt) Andrea Malchiodi (SNS Pisa)
Fabian Rupp (Vienna) Bernd Schmidt (Augsburg)


If you want to attend the summer school please apply by email to before April 30, 2025. Substantial financial support for local expenses is available.


The workshop is a joint activity of the Mathematical Departments of the University of Freiburg, the University of Pisa and the Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa. Responsible organizers are:

Patrick DondlErnst Kuwert - Matteo Novaga